Thursday, October 25, 2007

Goodbye, my Love... sigh

Here I am in my hotel room. I'm looking out the window from the 24th floor. Paris is laid out before me, Blackberry in hand.At 10am (Paris time, 4am NY time), my heart feels nostalgic and a tad heavy. This is my last assigned trip to Paris. The bid results for November were released and there were no international trips to be found. GASP! "Not even the London-Gatwicks that I hastily take off my schedule? Not even a Dublin?" It seems my international wings have been clipped. Speaking with my other colleagues, it seems we are all in the same predicament. It's my guess that one of two things happened. Either they reduced the amount of trips or the "senior mamas and papas" are back from their summer sabbaticals. It's probably a combination of both. I've gotten so accustomed to Paris, that I'd take a 6 hour nap once hitting the hotel room, then mozy out. Not today, 3 hours, tops. It's like an old friend that you've taken for granted, then you realize how much you'll miss them when they tell you they're moving away. When I get up, I plan to go out and soak it all in. I console myself knowing that this isn't to say I won't be back, 'cause there are flight attendants always willing to give trips away, so I will always have the ability to pick up Paris as well as other destinations. More than likely I will be forced back into international when summer comes 'round again.

I was the In-Flight Leader on this trip, also called the OBL. While it's not the 1st time I've flown it, I was the most comfortable on this trip. What does being the Int'l OBL mean? When poop hits the fan and they want the person in charge, that would be you! You're the head flight attendant. You're responsible for your crew, the paperwork as it pertains to entering a foreign country, such as liquor, customs, immigration, etc. I have always undertaken positions of leadership no matter what my career, so I guess it comes naturally. It must be the Leo in me. Well, I must nap now as my "old friend" awaits! Au revoir!



Hey Diva...

I love your post. I came across your page from BHM.. I am a fellow blogger myself. I have a question for you.
Well actually two about blogging.
1. How do I sign on to get your bloggs
2. How do I add my own header in my blog

Diva said...

Hey! I am new to the blogging world myself. I don't know if they have a feature that allows you to save favorite blogs. I need to check it out myself. As for the headers, when you create a new post, just type in the title and the header should show up. Hope this helps.