Thursday, September 11, 2008

Shalom from Tel Aviv, Israel!

The are so many things that I need to get caught up on. At the moment, I am in Tel Aviv. This is actually my 2nd trip. My 1st trip was about 2 weeks ago. It's about 3am local time, which would be 8pm New York or eastern standard time. I was feeling a tad restless, so decided to hop on the computer.

A lot has been happening lately. I must brief you on my previous trip to Tel Aviv... I did a tour of Jerusalem. It was very interesting and spiritually enlightening. I've also been to Sao Paulo. That was my inaugural visit and actually, I headed here after returning from Sao Paulo, just the day before. That's back to back flying. On Monday, I'll be heading to my beloved city of Paris. Delta will no longer fly to Paris out of New York, which I hate... instead our partner airline Air France will operate the flight. I've got NOTHING to say on that. Let's just say I'm not pleased. This is a trip I will no longer be working. I think we still fly there next month, so let's hope I can hold some of those next month. However, I will treat Monday's trip with great nostalgia.
Also, on the update list, I went to Jamaica in late August and rode out Tropical Storm Gustav. There was no damage to the area where I was in Westmoreland, but it did get a tad scary. The power went out for like almost a day and we resorted to candles and kerosene lamps. The lamp bought back memories of being a kid and visiting Jamaica before there was electricity in homes. Wow!!! I'll keep you posted and get pics up... as these posts are worthless without pics! LOL!
Last but not least, how could I even NOT mention 9/11? It was a catastrophic event that changed many lives forever. I still grieve for all that was lost. It changed the world as we know it. ...still praying for the families who lost loved ones or even those whose situation "changed" as a result. Also praying for the continued safety of our troops and fellow colleagues in aviation.

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